Mares for the mare test under saddle usually need 2.5 to 3 months of preparation.

The mare does not have to be prepared in any way upon arrival but should have vaccinations done and teeth checked by an equine dentist.

It can be an advantage for some mares to come for two shorter periods, first for breaking in and then we can agree on how long the mare needs in the second period to be ready on the mare test.

We produce all kinds of mares - regardless of breed and quality.

Over the years we have taken many mares through the mare test including several hundred that have gone to the elite mare show.

We draw attention to the fact that all horses are housed and trained at the owner's own risk, it is therefore important to make sure to have the horse insured to the extent you want it. We emphasize that ApS has no insurance that covers if the horse is injured during the stay.